High Bulk | Low Weight
Weight reduction also provides conveniences with ease of care and maintenance. Less carpet fibre to maintain means less effort during the soil removal process and less drying time associated with common hot water cleaning methods; the result is less down time and disruption while cleaning.
Defying Gravity
Two examples of our exclusive fiber finish techniques that utilize this patented high-bulking technology are Intrinsic™ and Harmonize™. Both exclusive finishes offer superior coverage while maintaining low weights and a lower carbon footprint using this technology.
Both Harmonize™ and Intrinsic™ are available now in Nylon 6 and Nylon 6,6. These finishes support low weight carpet objectives while providing end-users with sustainability benefits, lower costs, and ease of care and maintenance.
At Universal Fibers, we believe less is more.
Feature Interview
This week we are proud to spotlight our very own Larry Kestner. A true leader, team player, and innovator, Larry joined the Universal Fibers team more than 45 years ago. Throughout this journey, Larry is credited as one of the folks who have helped us maintain the title "Pioneers in the industry." Larry's leadership and insight, mixed with his ability to think outside the box to produce unique, custom solutions through collaboration with our customers, make Larry a pivotal asset to the Universal Fibers Team. We are thrilled to sit down with him to ask him some questions.
Be sure to join us on November 30th for our next featurette. We will be sitting down with our Global Sustainability Leader for a Q & A, discussing our family of sustainable products, and how Thrive® can help you meet your eco-initiatives.
Are you ready to An·i·māte with us?
For assistance, or to learn more about Harmonize™ and Intrinsic™, or to explore how our high-bulk/low weight fibres can help you create, feel free to connect with our team via the contact page.